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Trunk opening with a key

Ron Walker

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I noticed a post regarding the fuse, solenoid, etc. but my issue is with a twist. So, new post. 

My trunk opens with either the key fob, or the remote release inside the glove compartment. However, the trunk will not open if I attempt to use the key slot below the right rear tail light. The key will glide in smoothly, but won't even turn. Its been that way since the day I bought it.  Though with the other means of entry, I haven't given it much thought except to think that it was strange that the key wouldn't open the trunk lid. Is there a fix to that issue?

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Forgive me if I miss quote but its been soooo long since I've used a key on my Reatta other than to start it.  The oblong key is the one used to open the doors, the trunk, and the glove box.  If the key you tried on your trunk does not also work on the doors and glove box, then you can assume you have a wrong key.  If it does work on the doors and glove box, then the trunk lock was most likely replaced at some point or the lock is broken. 

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Yes, the key works for the door, glove box, trap doors, and trunk pass through. Just not the trunk. If the lock was replaced, no one bothered to provide the "third" key. 

I, too, rely on the ignition key and then the key fob for locking/unlocking and trunk release. However, one of my key fobs seems to have quit working even with a new battery. 

Back to the trunk lock - if it is broken and not operable by the key, any knowledge in having that changed out?

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The trunk key slot at the rear is also an electric switch. There is no mechanical trunk release except the lever on the mechanism inside the trunk itself. I just want to be sure that is understood. Probably why many of us don’t bother with it at all  ?

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I have to use the key to open the trunk. The '88 models didn't get keyless remotes.

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OK, I'm looking at a '91 Riviera/Reatta factory service manual which might be slightly different than previous years.  2seater got me thinking when he said that the trunk lock mechanism is not mechanical...DUH I should have remembered this (give me a break, I'll be 72 in a couple of months).  I checked opening my Reatta trunk with a key.  When turned, It activates the trunk release solenoid located on the inside edge of the trunk lid.   So, reading from the '91 FSM you might want to check at the fuse block; fuse #2 (body) 20 amp, and circuit breaker #23 (seat/door lock) 30 amp....they appear to be related to the trunk release wiring although the FSM is a little difficult to interpret. 

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With the comment by 2seater, and now with the info provided by ship, I'll check out the fuse situation. No guarantee I'll be able to fix this, cause, similar to ship, I turned 72 a couple months ago.  However, if the trunk key slot is also an electric switch, is the key supposed to turn? Is the electric switch activated by inserting in the slot?  What kind of function should I expect it to do in order for the key to release the deck-lid?

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Key should go right in and turn. When you turn the key to the right you will hear a click as the solenoid releases the latch. There is a spring in the latch that just holds the trunk lid off the latch so you can raise it up by hand. The trunk lid doesn't go up on it's own. The key on my car doesn't return back to the original position on it's own. I don't know if that is normal or if there should be a return spring that might be broken on my car. The orange bar in the photo below is the manual release.





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