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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/2019 in all areas

  1. Philbo, There is something known as "cowl shake" which may or may not affect your Reatta - not all convertibles have it. Before you can diagnose your car, you need to freshen all your 30 year old suspension parts . . . struts, shocks, ball joints, etc. Tires are also extremely important to the ride of your Reatta, and a fresh alignment as well. The Reatta was designed with an extremely comfortable yet sporty ride - it handles like a true GT designed with a touring suspension. Not everybody that buys a used Reatta plans to keep it long term, but the ones that do and invest in replacing tires and suspension parts are rewarded with a long lasting great riding vehicle! Enjoy your Reatta Convertible!!
    2 points
  2. Ronnie......Thats right, I think my vacuum pump came with a small bag of attachments.....I will see if there is one like that. I was looking at the brake reservoir today and am amazed at how long that one rear section is.....now I see why you had that long skinny adapter and hose. OK.....18" breaker bar with seat pushed up against it to hold the brake pedal down....will keep that in mind when I do the flush/bleed on my 89.
    1 point
  3. Your experience with everything installed is normal. The water outlet does not sit flat in use, nor does it sit all the way down. The water neck is sealed via the O-ring around the stem that inserts in the manifold. The rubber ring between the outlet and the thermostat gets squashed at an angle because the neck sits crooked but again, that is normal. You can help seat the neck by leveraging against the throttle body flange while snugging the bolt but if you try to pull it down flat it will break the neck. In other words it looks wrong but it will seal and work.
    1 point
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